About Us
Fulton Church of the Nazarene welcomes all individuals seeking God’s love, and keep our doors open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their hearts. We invite you to open your heart and allow His grace to penetrate into your soul.
Our church stands as a beacon of hope in Fulton. We are a place of acceptance, peace and joy to all who are moved to join us. Our church family is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. Get in touch to find out more or join us for a service.

What We Believe
We believe in one God-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures, given by plenary inspiration, contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living.
We believe that man is born with a fallen nature, and is, therefore, inclined to evil, and that continually.
We believe that the finally impenitent are hopelessly and eternally lost.
We believe that the atonement through Jesus Christ is for the whole human race; and that whosoever repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.
We believe that believers are to be sanctified wholly, subsequent to regeneration, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Holy Spirit bears witness to the new birth, and also to the entire sanctification of believers.
We believe that our Lord will return, the dead will be raised, and the final judgment will take place.

Our Mission:
Engage | Encourage | Equip
"16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
-Matthew 28:16-20 NIV
Fulton Church of the Nazarene stands upon the “Great Commission” set forward but Jesus in Matthew 28:16-20.
As believers we have been presented an amazing opportunity, to literally be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are granted the obligation to be instruments of Light, Truth, and The Way. With this we were given a Commission by Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations… in order to do this we as a Church decided to focus our goals in three words...
(Engage, Encourage, Equip)
Engage: Our first task is to Engage. Jesus had this amazing ability to meet people where they were. To get out and be with the people. This is our prayer as a Church as well. We want to be able to meet you where you are, no matter where you are in your faith journey. We strive to be a place and a group of people that is able to meet you wither or not you ever step foot in our building. To us, it will always be about connection. We want to engage you, connect with you, and welcome you into this church family!
Encourage: Our second task is to Encourage. Now this encouragement is not limited to a good pat on the back and a reminder that everything will be okay, it’s so much more! Our goal is to encourage; to encourage you that life is so much sweeter when you put your trust, faith, and hope in Jesus Christ. Our goal is to encourage you showing what a personal, a family, and a business life would look like when it is rooted in the King.
Equip: Our third task is to Equip. The goal of the church is to prepare people to “Go and make disciples!” we are not a club house. We are a hospital for the sick, we are a shelter lonely, we are a friend for those who are in need. Through strong and rooted biblical teaching, prayer, leadership, guidance, and faith in Jesus Christ, our prayer will always be that we as a church will be equipping our people to go and share their faith with the world!